Monday, 22 February 2016

LO4 Final product

LO4: Drafts of film trailer

 From the first film trailer that I have produced to the very last edits there are so many improvements from completely taking out the first scene to adding in a colour balance to give the film trailer a gritty effect. From the start of the film trailer I had started off with the scene but I had started to edit this before I had shot the last scene so at the end of the trailer so I had put the gun shot at the start to give the trailer a non linear look which is what trailers should be. I have also in my film trailer used title graphics as they can give an audience an idea of the plot. Not only that but I have used a faded effect using opacity to change the effect of the scene to try and give it moire of a dramatic effect. The same woth the music to try and give it more of a pulse racing effect because this is a thriller film and this has to have some sort of tempo and this is what I have included.

LO4: Edit decision list

LO4: Offline edit

This is my offline edit of forty seconds for my film trailer Silence kills. This is the first starting draft on the trailer and used adobe premiere to edit this in and will continue to use this software throughout the making of the film trailer. What I thought went well was the shots that we used and who we used them to show the social outcast however I believe that the camera is too shaky within the shots at the beginning of the film trailer and then it begins to pick up the pace with the music and is begging to look more like a film trailer.  

LO4: Evidence of editing

This is me beginning to edit my film trailer using the software Adobe Premiere.  

This is my first screen shot of the programme software  Adobe Premiere and this is where I began to import my footage to begin to start editing the film trailer Silence Kills.

This is the first bit of footage that I have inserted in to Adobe Premiere. This was done by clicking on file then import then selecting on the folder where my footage was (Unit 46) and then opening the first piece of footage

This is where I began to import more of the footage and begin to edit the film trailer by dragging the footage and shortening it down to the amount of time that that shot should be. This was done by using the select tool as you can see was the tool I used to shorten the footage to the correct lengths.

This is where I began to import more of my footage and then begin to crop the footage using the razor tool to the size that would suit the music and so the footage would suit to the beat of the music. This was done to every shot I have edited. From the film trailers I have watched they seem to sometimes have a change in the music or the tempo changes which I have looked at some have fast some are slow depending on the film trailer. However because this was a thriller film trailer I started off the music slow and then built up the tempo to give the trailer a suspense. If I did not have the slow to fast tempo then this would not fit the genre and the audience would not be interested.

As you can see on this screenshot of the film trailer this shot is analysing in the background this is because I have used warp stabiliser to steady the shot because when looking back at the footage this looked to shaky so I added this to give the footage a better chance of being used in the film trailer. By using the effects control panel typing in the warp stabiliser and then dropping this on the clip I wanted it on and then wait until the rendering has finished and then the clip should be stabilised. I did this because with the film trailers I have looked at none of them have shots that were unstabilised so this is why I have put this affect in the film trailer  

What I am doing now is rendering all my clips and then making my first draft of the film trailer this will take a while because after every affect it has to render and this was done by simply hitting the enter on the keyboard. What i have learnt from doing this is that once I have dropped the clip in make sure that I render it straight away to save time doing this.  

From picking parts out of the film trailer from this screen recording what I have focused on in this is trimming down the music of the film trailer this was done by using the razor tool to separate parts of the track to put on different parts of the film trailer to give it suspense. If this trailer did not have any suspense this would not fit the genre because a thriller film has suspense and this did not so thios is why I have included splitting of tracks to build the tension.

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

LO3: Rushes


The strengths of the rushes that we filmed are the fact that we filmed 11 minutes of pure footage meaning that we had a lot to choose from which was a major strength. Some of the improvements that could have been made on the rushes and the filming was to look back at the footage immediately look back at the footage but because it was cold on shooting we just filmed. That is what is should happened we should have re shot scenes to make the scenes stronger as a whole and maybe go to more remote in the locations to suit the film genre of a thriller. Also there was times where we did not stick to the storyboard which at some point we went off track too much with the unnecessary scenes that we filmed but some spontaneous shooting from that was actaully used in the film trailer..      

LO3: Evidence of filming

This is me and Haaris at our location. Haaris is currently setting up the camera so we have it on the correct camera settings and I am talking to our actor will telling him about scene we are filming before today this was before we had showed him the storyboard.

LO3: Footage log